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I'm Worried About My Child 





Speech, language or communication difficulties take many forms. There are a number of warning signs to look out for in your child. These include:


  • A delay in learning to speak or difficulties ‘getting the words out’

  • Difficulties expressing needs and wants

  • Difficulties understanding what people are saying

  • Inappropriate attention seeking behaviour such as whining, hitting or throwing

  • The use of gestural cues or sounds instead of words to communicate

  • A lack of motivation to play with items or other people

  • Problems with concentration or distractibility at toddler group, nursery or school.

  • High levels of frustration or anger.

  • Problems making friends or maintaining friends

If you are worried that something isn’t quite right with your child’s speech language or communication, or you think your child hasn’t reached a developmental milestone, it is important to seek help.


Well meaning advice that your child will ‘get there in the end’ can be hugely detrimental. Leaving things to sort themselves out will mean that the problems worsen over time. If we can intervene early with speech, language or communication problems, your child will make more significant progress and the teaching interventions will be more natural and effective. In fact, a good Behaviour Analyst can identify a speech or language problem in a child as young as 9 months old - and when you consider the rate at which a child learns to communicate, you can see why early intervention is so important.

Children who have more subtle or ‘mild’ struggles often fail to get the help they need. We have seen time and time again children who fall through the net and struggle more and more and the gap between them and their peers - both academically and socially – becomes wider and wider as the years progress.


The right interventions can be hugely successful, helping your child to perform better at school, find and maintain friends, gain confidence and self esteem and communicate needs, wants and feelings with others.

Treating language and communication disorders requires a specialist and highly targeted approach. NETwork Interventions has years of experience of helping children and teens with language and communication problems. We are specialists in Verbal Behaviour which is becoming widely recognised as the most successful way of treating speech, language and communication disorders.

Our team of highly trained Behaviour Analysts and Psychologists will work with your child and family, identifying and then targeting the underlying problem areas and designing a programme of intervention to help your child progress and achieve his or her potential.


Every child is different and will have very different struggles, skills and motivations. Some children become indistinguishable from their peers and overcome all of their struggles. We have even helped many non-vocal children, teens and even adults make their first utterances.


Other children progress at a slower rate but are nonetheless equipped with the tools to overcome their struggles and make considerable gains. The results you can expect will vary according to a number of factors. This includes:


  • Your child’s age; the earlier we can intervene, the more dramatic the results can be. Even if your child is in his or her teens, the right interventions can enable him or her to make huge gains in language, communication and behavioural skills.

  • The nature and severity of the problem

  • Your availability and determination to implement the recommendations day in day out


Following an in depth assessment and observation of your child we will discuss the results you can expect to see, along with the timescales and costs involved for successful implementation. Whether your child’s programme lasts one month or one year, you can rest assured that we’ll be with your every step of the way, equipping you with the knowledge, training and support to make it work. 




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